Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Here's What to Do the Second the Markets Open Tomorrow

Keith Fitz-GeraldKeith Fitz-Gerald

This Fourth of July holiday, the markets are, of course, closed. And hopefully, you're taking a well-deserved break to celebrate with friends and family.

So this is the perfect time to talk about something I know has been on a lot of folks' minds…

What happens next?

I've gotten emails from a number of our Members – Pam, Ryan, Jim, Jane, Mia, Hao, Ronaldo, and more – you know who you are – asking, "Where do we go from here?"

Well, that depends on a number of what I call "wildcards."

Right now, there's simply so much headline risk that you have to be prepared for a big move in either direction – up or down!

There are lots of these wildcards in play (or waiting to go into play): North Korea, Trump's pending meeting with Russia, a trade war with China, the European Union and Brexit, the Fed, immigration, earnings… anything can and perhaps will come into play as journalists try to create screaming, sensationalistic headlines to draw a reaction from the public.

Now, contrary to what a lot of folks think instinctively, this is not a bad thing.

Remember what we do every day: We identify the world's best investment opportunities, and we invest accordingly.

And guess what: If the markets are going nowhere, there aren't any opportunities.

That's why we want the markets to "go somewhere" – there's plenty of profit potential. Up or down, it matters not a bit; what matters is that you're prepared.

So I want you to do two things…

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Keith Fitz-GeraldKeith Fitz-Gerald

About the Author

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Keith Fitz-Gerald has been the Chief Investment Strategist for the Money Morning team since 2007. He's a seasoned market analyst with decades of experience, and a highly accurate track record. Keith regularly travels the world in search of investment opportunities others don't yet see or understand. In addition to heading The Money Map Report, Keith runs High Velocity Profits, which aims to get in, target gains, and get out clean. In his weekly Total Wealth, Keith has broken down his 30-plus years of success into three parts: Trends, Risk Assessment, and Tactics �� meaning the exact techniques for making money. Sign up is free at

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